Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Down with fever......

I was having Fever for last 4 days. Initially I thought it may be just because of the change in whether condition, but then the symptoms showed that it is Flu. Rushed to the doctor on Sunday when the temp rose to 102.
Feeling better today.... so joined the office.
Took leave from the office for Mon-Tue to take rest, but those were the most boring days I ever faced. I kept lying on the bed whole day doing nothing just munching some cookies and drinking water and sometime receiving calls from tele-marketing agencies. I was'nt feeling energetic enough even to sit and watch the TV or surf the net. I remember sleeping like that some 8 years back when I was down with Zondice and Typhoid.
Got this good link from google on FLU. It details the Sympotms, cause and precautions to be taken.

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