Friday, December 23, 2005

Stin(k)ing Politics and Media...

A lot was said during the infamous “Shakti Sting” operation that the conduct of trespassing into private spaces should not be allowed.
Noted Director Mahesh Bhatt opposed the Sting Operation and went ahead to say that it was aimed at "catching eyeballs" and boosting TRP ratings.
Condemning the way the sting operation was conducted, director Sawant Kumar had said, "had the actor been caught luring an innocent victim, it was understandable. But having a journalist pose and enact a drama is different... it appears to have been staged to trap him".

Like Bhatt and Sawant Kumar there were many from the Entertainment Media who joined the protest against the Sting Operation and raised a huge hue n cry.

Now the *same* episode has been repeated in the field of Politics, where 11 MP’s were caught negotiating for money to raise questions in the parliament. No Director/Actor or the like from the Entertainment Media had raised their voice this time in support of these MP’s.
This Sting appears all fair and just to these very gentlemen’s now. Why the disparity? If it was *privacy* then, it’s *privacy* now.

Only difference is that the people in Entertainment Media was baited with what they like (hot babes i.e.) and the people in Political Media was baited with their likings (money i.e.).

Political Media atleast took a corrective approach by suspending these 11 MP’s. But the Entertainment Media took no action of banning Shakti and the like from their Industry.

Why? Are the men in Entertainment Media even more immoral than these corrupt Politicians?

1 comment:

Ashish said...

We have to accept corruption as a way of life...only the weak get caught while the smart ones (read late Rajiv Gandhi) get away. What is most amusing is the fact that a score of thieves sitting over judgement over a few over them. Can any one of those who sat over judgement over the ones who were caught, in all sincerity claim to be spotless??