Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mumbai got better things....

Yesterday evening I was watching a treasure hunt game show, some shit name that I don’t remember, in which the participants has to go around the world seeking for clues from one destination to another. This time they had to fly all the way to Mumbai, India – film city to be exact to get their next clue and the director of the show could choose to show nothing but the slums, garbage bins and the street dogs. He could find nothing in the entire beautiful Mumbai to show….. that’s ridiculous. Why the hell do these people time and again tries to show India as just another poor country with nothing but poverty all over? There are lots of good sights that comes across as you take the cab (that the participants took) from CST for the Film City, but this blind director and his asshole cameramen couldn’t see anything like that. They did not see the Hyatt just outside the airport, the western express highway and the vile parle – santacruz area which is just fabulous especially at night, the time when the film was shot for this fuckin game.

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